[adult swim] Fix: Now Requires ActiveX
[adult swim],
Shame on you. I thought you were one of us, "The Fix" requires ActiveX now!
What about the Linux users? What about the Mac users? What about the reluctant Windows user who refuses to install ActiveX, the one thing about Internet Explorer that makes it a heaping pile of crap, on his or her Open-Source, Standards compliant, browser. Don't sell out to Microsoft! Just because Google is kicking their ass, doesn't mean they're not threatening.

Shame on you. I thought you were one of us, "The Fix" requires ActiveX now!
What about the Linux users? What about the Mac users? What about the reluctant Windows user who refuses to install ActiveX, the one thing about Internet Explorer that makes it a heaping pile of crap, on his or her Open-Source, Standards compliant, browser. Don't sell out to Microsoft! Just because Google is kicking their ass, doesn't mean they're not threatening.

Labels: rant